a man and a bicycle

Our position papers

A position paper is a way to engage discussions with policy makers and participate in the public consultation process.


Every day, we observe and listen to our European users, we design products, we test, we make, we sell BUT, every day at DECATHLON, we create waste, we use the Planet resources, we are responsible for products travelling long distances, we use energy, we do have an impact… so WE ACT.


At Decathlon, we strive for responsible growth that benefits both the people and the planet.
We share the objectives of the Green Deal and fully support the European Commission to put forward solutions to ensure that products sold on the European market adhere to increasingly rigorous sustainability criteria. This is the reason we have decided to engage discussions with policymakers. A position paper is a way to engage discussions with policymakers and participate in the public consultation process.

At the European level, these documents are uploaded to the european commission website under the following EU Interest Representative Register ID number: 348145840751-31.


Our position papers

2024 - Biodiversity - Positions on methodologies (standard, metrics) and regulations

This paper advocates for initiatives and regulation that enables companies to take immediate action to halt and reverse biodiversity loss.

2024 - Digital Product Passport Position Paper

Decathlon, as a global company, supports the Digital Product Passport (DPP), considering it
a pivotal regulatory measure aimed at facilitating the provision of digital product information
and data.

2024 - Towards harmonised and effective Extended Producer Responsibility - (EPR) schemes for textiles

Decathlon welcomes the revision of the Waste Framework Directive (WFD), and in particular, we strongly support the establishment of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes for textiles and footwear, in line with the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles.

2023 - Reviewing the Textile Labeling Regulation (TLR)

Decathlon welcomes the revision of EU Regulation No. 1007/2011 and would like to address certain issues regarding current textile regulations. Regulation (EU) No. 1007/2011, which governs textile fiber names, labeling, and marking of textile products, currently requires manufacturers to include permanent labeling of textile composition.

2023 - Decathlon’s views on Green Claims Directive proposal

Decathlon strongly supports the Commission’s efforts to put an end to misleading communications on the environmental impact of products or companies, through the Green Claims Directive regulating the substantiation and communication of green claims. More specifically, we welcome transparent and reliable environmental claims to support consumers in their purchasing decisions for more sustainable products.

2023 - Ecodesign for Sustainable Product Regulation (ESPR) - Priority Products_Decathlon's contribution

In view of supporting the ESPR implementation, Decathlon would like to contribute with the following observations and recommendations.

2023 - EU Climate Target 2040 - Decathlon's contribution

Request for Ambitious Actions on Absolute CO2 Emission Reductions by Companies.

2023 - Textile - DECATHLON's Contribution

We share the aims of the Green Deal and fully support the European Commission’s drive to offer solutions designed to ensure that products sold on the European market respect increasingly strict sustainability criteria.

2023 - Right to repair Directive

Decathlon welcomes the proposal on Common Rules Promoting the Repair of Goods.

2022 - Right to repair Initiatives

We share the objectives of the Green Deal and fully support the European Commission in its bid to put forward solutions to ensure that products sold on the European market adhere to increasingly rigorous sustainability criteria.

2021 - Sustainable Product Initiatives - Decathlon's contribution

As a worldwide manufacturer and retailer, Decathlon is fully aware of its social and environmental responsibility. At Decathlon we strive for responsible growth that benefits both people and the planet, acting within a regenerative economy. This element is part of our corporate vision.

2021 - Transport - Decathlon's Contribution

We call for an harmonisation of the measurement of transport and logistics emissions.


To know more about DECATHLON's commitments

EU's Circular Future: Competitive & Active

EU's Circular Future: Competitive & Active

Our policy recommendations for the upcoming European Union legislative term (2024-2029).

Picture hockey player

DECATHLON joins the European Union's Sustainable Consumption Pledge

This "pledge" is a new initiative aimed at encouraging buying habits in a more sustainable way.

Picture of a couple near a lake

Legal documents

Code of conduct, List of regulated substances, Responsible sourcing of materials statement.

Picture of herbs

Our environmental challenges

Biodiversity, climate and plastic pollution in the ocean: 3 issues that DECATHLON are working on in particular. Why these? How?