EU's Circular Future: Competitive & Active

Moving ahead: delivering a circular, competitive and active future across the EU

Our policy recommendations for the upcoming European Union legislative term (2024-2029).

As a leading European and global sporting goods producer and retailer, DECATHLON is engaged in shaping European policy. As we approach a new legislative term for the European Union, we provide policy recommendations to deliver a circular, competitive, and active future across the EU through four key priorities.

Towards an Ambitious European Sport Policy

The EU is showcasing an alarming trend of physical inactivity, with 45% of the population stating that they never exercise or engage in sports activities. To unleash the significant positive impacts that sport can bring to society, DECATHLON calls for a stronger and more effective European Sports policy.

We believe that youth should be given special attention because performing sport is vital for their development. Introducing sport programs in education, such as the “learn to swim” and “learn to cycle” programs is a great way to make new generations more active.

DECATHLON is committed to the concept of “TranSport” (interlink between sport and transport) as cycling showcases great potential for healthier lifestyles and decarbonization. Sport can be a game-changer in addressing horizontal challenges. DECATHLON is highlighting this point towards European institutions.

Let’s get the EU moving!

Implementing the European Declaration on Cycling

DECATHLON applauds the European Commission's commitment to cycling through landmark initiatives of the European Cycling Declaration. Those commitments reflect our ambitious idea of tranSport recognizing cycling as a sustainable, accessible, inclusive, affordable and healthy means of transport. Now it is time for action.

We are sharing with policymakers three priorities for action.
1- Safer cycling infrastructure for EU citizens so that cyclists are no longer placed in dangerous situations in public space
2- Combat bike theft to make stealing and stolen bike selling more and more challenging
3- Support sustainability, digitalisation, and circularity in the bicycle manufacturing sector

Let’s ride! 

EU Sustainable Consumption policy with new impetus on usage economy

With the global consumer class expected to increase by 1.4 billion people with greater purchasing power by 2030 compared to today, our planet will be unable to offer enough resources to support current consumption patterns.
Therefore, DECATHLON is committed to promoting a sustainable usage economy by advocating for extended producer responsibility schemes, repairability initiatives, and incentives for second-hand markets. Our goal is to mitigate our impact on the environment and strengthen the economy by promoting responsible consumption and waste reduction. In addition, putting forward rental and second-hand allows our sport equipment to be more accessible, thereby contributing towards a more active AND healthier population.

Every day, DECATHLON plays an active role in this sense.
Check our full document to read our specific recommendations for the relevant European legislation. 

Data and Generative AI for the benefit of citizens and businesses

Finally, DECATHLON welcomes recent data and AI initiatives in the EU and supports enabling businesses and citizens through easy access, sharing, and data control. At DECATHLON, we emphasize the importance of responsible AI frameworks preserving privacy and giving back control of the AI outcome to our customers. 

We call for the implementation of these legislations but also the education of businesses and citizens. DECATHLON believes in promoting a “know your rights and know your responsibilities” educational program.
We are also well aware of the environmental impact of technological innovations. In this sense, DECATHLON is committed to taking care of our planet through Green AI responsibility: minimizing data collection and computing complexity to diminish energy consumption. 

DECATHLON is also a digital company, and we have a responsibility…so WE act!

EU's Circular Future: Competitive & Active
What action plan is needed to reduce absolute CO2 eq emissions?

What action plan is needed to reduce absolute CO2 eq emissions?

DECATHLON commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 42% by 2030 from a 2021 base year. Decathlon also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 42% within the same timeframe.

Decathlon workshop photo

Going circular - Transition towards a circular economy

Decathlon is taking measures to reduce the impact of its offer by factoring in its entire ecosystem.

Photo de la mer

Conducting environmental audits - DECATHLON's audit system

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Picture a family hiking in the moutains


Institutional relations, eco-design, green IT, environmental impact management, manufacturing responsibility, due diligence, product quality and safety.

Picture of a DECATHLON store

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The life of our products

The life of our products

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