
Our awareness-raising events

How can we combine sport and environmental awareness?

Each Decathlon site (shop, warehouse or head office) in the world is encouraged to organise an event that combines sport with raising awareness of the need to preserve the environment and therefore the areas in which we play. These events can take the form of global demonstrations with numerous players mobilised for one day (World Clean Up Day), over a long period (Mobility Week) or even on a one-off basis (eco-running).

In order to enable each country in which DECATHLON operates to offer its customers and team-mates the events that mean the most to them, local teams are supported in creating their own events. The zonal organisation of the leaders in environmental transition has helped them to make this decision.

In 2022, with the creation of an international network dedicated to the subject, the teams were able to organise 1,453 eco-events in 45 countries, organised by 912 different sites, to raise awareness among almost 45,000 people.

These figures are rising thanks to the personalised support provided by DECATHLON teams and the availability of a communication kit deployed according to local resources. These figures also benefit from the reliability of the data thanks to their integration into the countries' environmental management tool.

The themes of these awareness-raising events have diversified over the years, and new sporting practices have been introduced.

Our awareness-raising events-

2022 figures

45 participating countries
912 participating sites, i.e.
48.9% of DECATHLON sites worldwide
1,453 events 45,000 participants

Illustration woman picking up litter

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