Illustration of the ocean

What is World Oceans Day?

On 8 June every year, you hear talk of World Oceans Day. Why yet another World this or that Day? What is the point?

In a nutshell, World Oceans Day is, above all, an opportunity to make the whole world aware of how all of mankind benefits from oceans, and of the need to use their resources in a sustainable manner. It's as "simple" as that.

30 years after World Oceans Day came into existence, scientific centres, research institutes, NGOs, companies in the private and financial sectors, communities and governments the world over mobilise millions of people on this occasion in local and worldwide events in 70 countries.

The story of world oceans day

First held in 1992, World Oceans Day was launched by the Earth Summit, an event that took place in parallel with the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (UNCED), which was held in Rio de Janeiro in the same year.
An event organised on this day in 1992 is at the origin of World Oceans Day: the Oceans Day at the Earth Summit: the blue planet. The agenda included international experts, opinion-leaders and people capable of talking about how oceans contribute to sustaining the blue planet.

It was only officially designated by a United Nations resolution in 2008.

So, what went on between 1992 and 2008? A lot of work. The implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the territorial sea, international navigation, maritime safety, marine sciences and technologies, marine biological diversity, the marine environment and sustainable development, climate change and regional and international cooperation (just for starters).

Then, in 2008, the declaration of World Oceans Day acted as a catalyst for the actions taken all over the world.

In 2017, another event took place. The Oceans Conference was convened to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.

In 2020, even though this event is usually organised at the UN's headquarters in New York, due to COVID-19, the United Nations World Oceans Day was the very first digital event that could be accessed by a worldwide audience.

What is World Oceans Day?

Why a World Oceans Day?

Because 50% of the oxygen we breathe comes from oceans. This figure alone should be enough to convince us of the importance of taking care of our oceans…

And while it is necessary to protect the oceans all year long, World Days offer us an opportunity to highlight certain important international issues. They are also a means of making the general public aware of certain essential subjects.

Want some more figures?
A World Economic Forum study estimates that there will soon be more plastic than fish in the oceans (by around 2050).
Oceans cover almost three quarters of the surface of our planet. That's quite a lot.

What is World Oceans Day?

The world days: opportunities to be seized

The United Nations offers a good explanation. "Each international day is an opportunity to inform the general public on subjects related to major issues. These days are an opportunity for public authorities and civil society to organise awareness-raising activities and to mobilise resources.

The existence of international days predates the creation of the United Nations, but the UN has adopted them as a powerful awareness-raising tool. The United Nations observes international days, weeks, years and decades, each with a specific theme. By creating these celebrations, the United Nations favours international awareness and action on these questions.”

Therefore, the reasons for creating an official day for oceans were quite obvious.

What is World Oceans Day?

Preserving the oceans is a major issue

Oceans cover 71% of our planet's surface.

A World Economic Forum study estimates that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans.

According to the association Surfrider Foundation Europe, 80% of the waste in the oceans comes from inland: fly tipping, leaks of industrial plastic pellets, dumping on roads, etc.

The ocean is a source of income for 40 millions people in the world
Picture of a diver surrounded by sharks

The theme for 8 June 2024 : "Awaken new depths"

The ocean sustains humanity and all forms of life on earth. Yet, despite our total dependence on it, we have only ever explored around 10% of it. While we know little about the ocean in relation to its immensity, we do know that the consequences of our actions are evident in all its waters. Knowledge of the disastrous state of the oceans is clear. Yet every year, mankind continues to make superficial, short-sighted decisions that increase the likelihood of the ocean's - and our own - demise.

Plastique pollution, oceans and DECATHLON

DECATHLON is conducting research and modelling work to ultimately reduce the potential for the release of plastics generated by its activities.

In 2023, its teams developed a dynamic dashboard to make a fresh assessment of the company’s footprint in terms of plastic pollution at the group level, as well as for the countries, sports and industrial processes.

This tool was developed with Environmental Action using the Plastic Leak Project and Plastic Footprint Network methodologies, and aims to improve data reliability and automate its reporting.

Teams are using this new study to create a reduction trajectory that aims to keep the company’s activities within planetary boundaries. To this end, they have already identified levers to be activated:
- Strengthening circular business models (second life, rental, repair)
- Replacing single-use plastics with alternatives having less of an impact
- Recycling sports equipment at the end of its life, and managing waste

Through these studies, DECATHLON also aims to help create an international standard that will ultimately include plastic-use reduction objectives in a legal framework applying to all industry players.

Advancing research on plastic fibre fragmentation
Teammates who are members of the Textile Microplastic Leak project are also continuing their work on microplastics following the impact analyses performed in 2021.
Since 2022, all of the technical parameters of fabrics (thread, material, structure, etc.) have been analysed in- depth by a researcher preparing a doctoral thesis. By the end of 2025, the goal is to create a design support tool to identify materials that minimise the release of plastic fibre fragments as far as possible. The results of this research will be used to draft a precise and rigorous trajectory as part of the commitment signed with the Microfibre Consortium to work toward a zero impact of textile fibre fragmentation on the natural environment by 2030.

Reflecting the growing importance of the subject, ADEME awarded the project a €100,000 grant in 2023, ensuring DECATHLON will be able to continue driving research in microplastic fragmentation. The company also joined the Plastic Footprint Network this year in order to contribute to discussions on adding this issue to the product environmental rating system.

What is World Oceans Day?

In a nutshell

Over 20 years of evolution:

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