A direct impact on the environment
It is modest, but real. A plogging session is "only" the collection of a bit of litter (we are often still talking in kilos) that amounts to pure and simply making as many environmental microaggressions disappear. Like this old plastic bag (a 450-year lifespan in nature) will no longer get in the way of a small tree's growth by the side of the road. This plastic cola bottle (100 to 1000 years) that will no longer leak small yet lethal doses of microplastics into the grass (before being washed away with rainwater towards... the ocean). Or even this cigarette butt (1 to 2 years) will not end up in a bird's stomach. When you stop to think, it is hard to find a more effective environmental act… It's mathematical: each piece of litter picked up is one less piece of pollution and a healthier environment than a minute ago.