Photo de trois homme en conceptualisation de produits

Final prototypes & last tests!

Our team of designers has formalised the industrial prototype's request. The technical file is ready. meet our suppliers to discuss and go over the final details before launching the industrial prototypes and manufacturing.

Meeting our suppliers

Time is of the essence when designing a product.To save time, our teams go to meet our suppliers to present the technical file. It lets us benefit from mutual know-how, improving the product and taking into the account manufacturing constraints.

We also meet the DECATHLON teams, on the ground, working on products' industrialisation. They manage direct contact with our suppliers. And ensure compliance with our social charter that includes human resources, safety and environmental criteria.

The first industrials prototypes have arrived!

After a few weeks of waiting, and our first industrial prototypes are here. They comply with the technical file and look like the finished article. It's the moment to test them over and over again in our laboratory and by the user, in other words, field testing. A long series of tests start! Go over with a fine-tooth comb all the technical aspects and what have you.

We receive several prototypes for the same product. Why? Because prototypes don't always come out intact from a test. It's the case when testing inflammation where the prototype is heated for hours…

Photo de différents prototypes de masques de plongée
Photo d'un concepteur présentant un casque

Focus on ppe (personal protective equipment)

When safety comes into play, we send the products to a certification organisation.It will test it to ensure it complies with standards. This stage takes several weeks. There sometimes needs to be modifications and several back and forth between our design teams and our suppliers to get a compliant product .

Here are a few PPE examples: a life jacket, a helmet, a mouthguard, a rock climbing harness, a horse riding body protector, etc.

Photo d'un groupe de sportives

The prototype takes centre stage!

Our teams in charge of communication play their part when the prototype is ready, when it's faithful to the end product. It's photographed from every angle. And the pictures are used on our website, the social networks and even posters in store. No need to wait for the end product, which is a huge time saver for our teams!

We put our teammates in the spotlight! They are often the ones that play the role of models in our communication materials.

Next step:

Picture of a woman testing a bike

The product is tasted and not just once !

Do you know how many times a product is tested before being approved?The test phases in a lab and/or the field is a critical stage in a DECATHLON product's design.